GP - Why should I choose Greenplum?

Greenplum's massively parallel processing architecture provides automatic parallelization of all data and queries in a scale-out, shared nothing architecture.

High-performance loading uses MPP technology. Loading speeds scale with each additional node to greater than 10 TB/H, per rack.

The query optimizer available in Greenplum Database is the industry's first cost-based query optimizer for big data workloads. It can scale interactive and batch mode analytics to large datasets in the petabytes without degrading query performance and throughput.

Fully control the configuration for your table and partition storage, execution and compression. Design you table based on the way data is accessed. Users have the choice of row or column-oriented storage and processing for any table or partition.

Provided by Apache MADlib, a library for scalable in-database analytics extending the SQL capabilities of Greenplum Database through user-defined functions.

Query external data sources with the Greenplum optimzer and query processing engine. Including Hadoop, Cloud Storage, ORC, AVRO, Parquet and other Polygot data stores.


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